Star Fleet Battles Module R107 The Nicozians
35th Anniversary Sale
We'll be increasing the discount on all sale goods by an additional 1% every week until the weekend of our 35th birthday (29th August) - the closer to the date, the bigger the discount!
* Please note: sale stock is held at our shop but is not typically on display. If you wish to purchase an item in store, please let us know you are interested in these items and give us time to fetch your items from our stock room.
Star Fleet Battles Module R107 The Nicozian Concordance
This playtest module presents all the rules for the Nicozians, a species which lives on a neutron star that is about to go nova and has dispatched exploration ships to search for a new home. Due to their environment, individual Nicozians are no larger than a grain of rice and their largest ship is no bigger than a drone! This module presents their unique rules for movement (Skipwarp), weapons (Skipwarp missiles, subspace auger, pulse phasers), and collapsium armor. Included are four SSDs (cruiser, light cruiser, destroyer, and frigate), four scenarios, and appropriate annexes.