Numenera: Discovery
Numenera Discovery is a revision of the original Numenera corebook, which will soon be out of print. Numenera Discovery improves the clarity of the game rules and dramatically increases the options available to players. Nanos, Jacks, and Glaives are overhauled, with expanded abilities. Many foci and descriptors are reworked. Numenera Discovery gives you more options, clearer rules, new adventure content, and expanded coverage of the Steadfast and the Beyond.
But this isn’t a new edition. There have been no substantive changes to the way the game plays mechanically, or the way NPCs, creatures, cyphers, artifacts, and other items work. And the setting isn’t changing either. This means you can keep using your bestiaries, adventures, card decks, character portfolios, and books like Into the Night, Technology Compendium, and Jade Colossus, and we will not issue any “second editions” of our supplements. And you can use future supplements with the existing Numenera corebook, if you choose to keep using it instead of Numenera Discovery. You don’t even have to make any changes to your current character—although you’ll now have more options as your character advances.