Touching History 1
by Touching History
About the series (from the publisher): What's these Modeling books all about then? Firstly they are not regular issues or a magazine that you can subscribe too. They are all one off books, which I hope to bring out 3 or 4 times a year. What You Get They are from 76 to 84 A4 full colour pages in a semi hardback bound format. There are only 2000 copies produced for each issue, although some will be only 1000. Each one is specific to a particular period in history, ranging from Ancient Rome to D-Day in WW2. With the use of hundreds of full colour pictures, you can find out how to make the terrain for that period, along with houses, church's, towers, windmill, walling, fencing, wheat fields, thatching, fortifications and a whole lot more. Importantly, you also get advice on where to buy all the materials and of course, how to paint it all. You simply learn through easy to follow colour instructions and pictures, all the modeling tricks of the trade that I know and then some. I like to think they are stimulating, quality publications and the full range will I hope, bring something new and fresh to the hobby of Wargaming.