Handimonsters Annual 2022 + complimentary PDF
Monsters! The first Handimonsters annual brings you a collection of 51 unique monsters to frighten challenge and delight your players.
Created across the year at handimonsters.com, the annual collects the work of some of the most experienced 5e designers, artists, and graphic designers in one beautiful volume.
Meant for play! At handimonsters.com we love monsters that work at the table. That means they have an interesting feature related to the rules and are designed to provide an interesting challenge: they’re not just a list of stats and a bunch of HP. They all have engaging lore which gives them a place in your game world, and hooks to inspire you as GM and for your players to grab onto at the table. Every monster in this book comes with it’s own full page entry, and every one is illustrated.
Our lead designer at Handimonsters is Jacob Rodgers. Jacob has done tons of very highly-regarded work in the 5e space, from Adventures in Middle-earth, BEOWULF: Age of Heroes, Scarred Lands Creature Collection 5e, to Symbaroum 5e. Jacob really knows the 5e system inside out.
Our art is by Scott Purdy. Scott is likewise an industry veteran, and it would be quicker to list the companies Scott has not worked for. Scott’s preferred subject is MONSTERS, and it’s easy to see why. He’s a brilliant artist.
Our layout and graphic design is by Paul Bourne. Paul is without doubt one of the most talented and meticulous layout artists in the business. Paul continues to delight both those well-versed in layout, and those who just enjoy a cool logo and an easy to read page.
Overseeing all of this is Jon Hodgson. Jon set up Handiwork Games in 2019, after decades of working in the industry.