Commands & Colors: Napoleonics Expansion 1 - Spanish Army
Command & Colors: Napoleonics Expansion from GMT
The Spanish Army is the first expansion for Commands & Colors: Napoleonics.
At the time of the Napoleonic Wars, Spain was only a shadow of its former power. Spanish troops and leaders, as many Napoleonic historians point out, performed badly on a large number of occasions. Yet there are a number of battles, Bailen, Tamames, Alcaniz and San Marcial where the Spaniards fought valiantly and gained victory. Ironically, the point most historians overlook is the fact that the Spanish armies constituted a threat that the French simply could not ignore. As good as Wellington's Anglo-Portuguese field army was, that army faced multiple French armies. They could only defeat one French army at a time. The Spanish Armies and the accompanying guerrilla warfare against French troops tied down the remainder, allowing the Anglo-Portuguese army to ultimately emerge victorious.
In this expansion you will find 18 historical scenarios that focus on Peninsular battles fought by the Spanish army from 1808 to 1813, plus all the new units you'll need to field for these engagements.
1808 Bail n - July 19 1808 Zornoza - October 31, 1808 Gamonel - November 7, 1808 Espinosa - November 11, 1808 Somosierra - November 30, 1808
1809 Medellin - March 28, 1809 Alcaniz - May 23, 1809 Maria - June 6, 1809 Talavera (Spanish Flank) - July 28, 1809 Tamames - October 13, 1809 Ocano (Cavalry Action) - November 18, 1809 Ocano - November 19, 1809 Alba de Tormes - November 28, 1809
1811 Barrosa (French Attack) - March 5, 1811 Albuera - May 16, 1811
1813 Vitoria (Hill's Attack) - June 21, 1813 San Marcial - August 31, 1813 Ordal Cross - September 13. 1813
The quality of Spanish troops varied, from very poor to good, and the Spanish National Unit Reference Card presents a wealth of subtle unit characteristics that set the Spanish Army apart from all other Coalition armies that opposed Napoleon. Command of the Spanish Army, therefore, will truly challenge even the most experienced Commands & Colors: Napoleonics player.
One 2" spine box
Scenario Booklet that features 18 historical scenarios plus Expansion rules.
2 Spanish National Unit Reference Cards
181 Blocks - 95 Infantry blocks (71 Spanish - 24 French) - 73 Cavalry blocks (39 Spanish - 34 French) - 9 Artillery blocks (9 Spanish) - 4 Leader blocks (4 Spanish)
3 Block Label sheets
1 Terrain Tile Sheet - contains 15 double sided Terrain Tiles
1 Square and Counter sheet
1 Spanish Infantry Square Track
4 Spanish Square Counters
9 Spanish Victory Banner counters (Spanish Flag one side, French Flag other side)
6 Spanish Guerrilla Action tokens