Cockroach Poker (Kaker Laken Poker)

For 2-6 players, ages 8+, playing time around 20 minutes.
Can you keep a poker face and bluff your way to victory? Eight types of creepy critters are depicted on the Cockroach Poker cards, your job isn't to win, simply to make sure that you don't lose! Players take it in turns to pass a card, face down to one of their opponents and say out load what's on the card. They might bluff, or they might be telling the truth... is it a rat? or is it really a stink bug? The recipient can either accept the card, saying if they think the player is telling the truth or bluffing... or they can peek at the card and pass it on... If you're caught bluffing, or you call bluff incorrectly, you keep the card face up in front of you. As soon as one player has four of the same critter cards in front of them, or when a player has no cards left to pass, they lose - and everyone else wins! Watch your opponents carefully for signs of shifty behaviour and concentrate as you follow the critters between players... Please note: This is the German Edition (with English Rules) An English version is available
Why we love it
- It's a brilliant filler game for games night
- You don't need to be good at cards, just very good at bluffing
- It's impossible not to get the giggles