As Above, So Below: a system neutral dungeon + complimentary PDF (via online store)
Heaven and hell are not so far apart as one might think…
A light-hearted, punchy, humour-forward scenario, designed to be played in one memorable session. Your players will simultaneously explore two dungeons which share the same floorplan, chaotically pinging between the celestial and infernal, in search of a couple of magical treasures.
This book contains:
• Two fully keyed, overlapping dungeons, and mechanics for switching between the them.
• Ten unique creatures for players to contend with, statted out for use with Mork Borg, complete with poorly drawn art.
• Six unique magical items with which your players can ruin all your carefully-laid plans
• Player-friendly gridded maps that can be easily copied for use at the table.
This scenario is system-agnostic. Stats are provided to run this with Mork Borg, but adventure be easily adapted for any other rules-light OSR-style game.