Animated Spells Deck: Level 3 Volume 1
Animated Spells is a tool used to assist Game Masters and players alike in their 5e role-playing campaigns, freeing them from traditional reference books and allowing them to only bring the spells they need. Each card features an original 8 frame looping animation on the front and easy to reference information on the back.
Contents: 30 Tarot Sized Lenticular Cards
Animate Dead,
Beacon of Hope, Bestow Curse, Blink, Call Lightning, Clairvoyance, Conjure Animals, Counterspell, |
Create Food and Water,
Dispel Magic,
Fear, Fireball, Fly, Gaseous Form, |
Glyph of Warding,
Hypnotic Pattern,
Lightning Bolt, Magic Circle, Major Image, +9 Spellcraft cards |
Tarot Card size: 70mm x 120mm