Sherman Leader
In Sherman Leader, you command an American group of tanks, armored cars, trucks, half tracks, and infantry squads. You get to choose your campaign. Anything from 1942 North Africa to 1945 Berlin, and everything in between.
Sherman Leader is a great game for both experienced strategy gamers and well as new players. Each campaign takes only 30 minutes to set-up, and each battle can be resolved in 15 to 30 minutes.
Being a solitaire game, you can play whenever you have time, at your pace. This is very important. Sherman Leader is not a multiplayer game that has solo play rules tacked on. It was designed from the ground up to be a 1 player game.
Sherman Leader is the latest game in our "Leader" series. Previous games: Hornet Leader, Phantom Leader, Thunderbolt-Apache Leader, and U-Boat Leader. As a side note, you can divide up your forces and play co-op with a friend.