Trudvang Chronicles RPG: Stormlands Sourcebook
The crowd went quiet as a tall, fur- and mail-clad man shouted ”Make way for the Battleborn!”.
The crowd opened up like a belly slashed on the battlefield. A tall, skinny and bare-chested woman with a heavy sword in her hand entered the hall. She wore a thick wool skirt and a leather girdle with silver ornaments. She took a step towards the jarl.
”I have come to claim my right”, she said. The fearless Wildbrons, well-known for their strength, stood still. They knew far too well that not even they could kill her, not even if they outnumbered the woman five to one. They knew that the Battleborn would slay them before they could even draw their axes.
The pale jarl looked up from his oak throne, covered in fur and pelts.
”What claim do you have here warrior?” He said, as he looked for support from the crowd.
”The right to slay you and to avenge the death of my mother”, the Battleborn said.
Before anyone could react, the woman strode forward and cleaved both throne and skull in a mighty blow with her heavy iron blade.
The Ringbreaker was dead.
”By Stormi, my mother’s death is now avenged. May she rest in the Hall of the Great Gods!”
Stormlands is a book that offers wild rapids, dark forests and exciting stories. It is the book of the wild Stormlands in which you will find everything you need to know to place your campaign in a grand and mysterious environment.
This sourcebook for Trudvang Chronicles contains:
- an overall description of the culture, celebrations and ways of living in the Stormlands,
- a deep dive in the Gerbanis religion and its mysterious blot sacrifices and rituals,
- a general map of the Stormlands as well as specific maps for each area and country,
- the history, geography, cities and mythical locations for each ten areas forming the Stormlands,
- new Stormlander archetypes, such as Sea Wolf, Storm Maiden, Battleborn, Vedun, Berserker and others,
- new tables with special Stormlander Traits and Abilities, as well as the new Regional Traits.