The Gaean Reach + complimentary PDF
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The Gaean Reach is a brand new game written by Robin D Laws with Jim Webster and Peter Freeman based on the science-fiction works of Dying Earth author Jack Vance. It will use a new GUMSHOE-meets-Skulduggery system.
The Gaean Reach is a fictional setting developed across a series of loosely connected novels. It exists in the far future and can be defined as those parts of our galaxy in which human colonies have become established. The scope of the Gaean Reach varies between novels, growing large over a timeline of several millennia at least.
The richness of the settings, the vast array of cultures and races, each with their own bewildering customs and traditions ensure that this is a setting unlike any other. This is not a background where NPCs exist purely to provide clues for the next stage of the adventure, instead, the NPCs are complex individuals, with their own aims and objectives, with whom you have to interact and that interaction may send the game off in surprising directions.