Skulduggery + complimentary PDF
Why go all the way to the dungeon for enemies, when the other players are sitting right next to you?
Skulduggery, the Roleplaying Game Of Verbal Fireworks & Sudden Reversals, brings fast and funny innovation to the exciting world of inter-player conflict!
Super-speedy character generationo gets your group skeeving and conniving in minutes. Just distribute component cards, trade, and you're done.
Simple, and simply hilarious, ruleso convert the eternal playground chant of 'No you don't!' 'Oh, yes I do!' into a zingy action resolution system.
Turns your power-gamers into witticism machines o by rewarding the strategic use of pre-supplied punchlines.
Exploit others' weaknesseso , while weaseling away from your own, as you grapple with an uproarious array of self-defeating temptations.
Unleashes the updated rules of the acclaimed Dying Earth Roleplaying Game, bringing elegant finagling and oneupsmanship to any genre.
Revel in the dark art of Machiavellian Game Mastering with copious guidance and devious advice.
Comes pre-loaded with four side-splitting, ready-to-play scenarios:
If Space Permits: Amid a crazy bacchanal, interstellar traders compete to corner the market on hallucinogenic jumpwine.
Yes, Wing: Hose your fellow cabinet secretaries in the most betray-o-riffic place on Earth: Washington, D.C.
Casting Call: Sign-up sheets have gone up for this year's high school musical. Let the viciousness commence!
Skulduggery & Crossbones: You're pirates. You're trapped on a becalmed ship. Your captain just got his head bitten off by a shark. Go!