Shadow of the Demon Lord: Terror in Freeport
The Terror Grows!
A Classic Freeport Adventure for Shadow of the Demon Lord!
The Freeport Trilogy continues with this rollicking adventure set in Chris Pramas's dynamic fantasy city. Having uncovered a vile cult in the classic adventure, Death in Freeport, the player characters learn that not all cultists lurk beneath the streets, and not all serpent people are agents of evil. This edition of Terror in Freeport brings the thrilling second chapter to life for use with Shadow of the Demon Lord and gives you everything you need to unravel the tangled plot that represents the greatest danger the City of Adventure has ever faced. While presented as a sequel, you can easily run this adventure as a standalone too, using it to introduce the setting to expert characters.
To make use of this adventure, you need a copy of Shadow of the Demon Lord. While not expressly necessary, having the Shadow of the Demon Lord Freeport Companion, the Demon Lord’s Companion, and The Pirate’s Guide to Freeport from Green Ronin Publishing will certainly enhance your experience.