Puppetland RPG + complimentary PDF
The skies are dim always since the Maker died. Once the golden lights of Puppettown were the brightest beacons in all of Puppetland but now they gutter under blood-red glass. Once the sun and the moon moved their normal courses through the heavens but now they are fixed in place, the faltering moon above and the cracked and peeling sun somewhere down below. The rise of Punch the Maker-Killer has brought all of nature to a stop, leaving it perpetually winter, perpetually night. Puppets the length and breadth of Puppetland mourn the loss of the Maker and curse the name of Punch — but not too loudly, lest the nutcrackers hear and come to call with a sharp rap-rap-rapping at the door.
Puppetland is a diceless tabletop RPG in which the players take the roles of puppets in a fairy-tale paradise gone bloodily wrong. It's Punch & Judy taken to its logical extreme: Punch has killed the Maker of all puppets and transformed peaceful, magical Puppetland into his personal nightmare realm.