Forbidden Psalm: They Came from the Necropolis
We're going on a hunt!
The world of Forbidden Psalm is brutal and uncaring, but for the right amount of coin there are those that will join you on your adventures.
They Came From The Necropolis, the latest mini-expansion for the Forbidden Psalm skirmish miniatures game, is chock-full of help and horror for those willing to part with enough dosh.
In this book you will find:
- new mercenaries like Pigmen (OINK!)
- a new monster, the Horse Head Knight!
Before starting a Scenario, any warband in Forbidden Psalm can replace any number of their members with mercenaries from this book. They are hired for one-off jobs, are selfish, and never drop their equipment or trade it willingly.
You need a copy of the Forbidden Psalm Core Book to play.
The Team:
Writing, Design and Layout by WIRD Designs
Edited by Jarrett Crader (MRC)
This book is a collaboration between Andrew May of Black Crab Miniatures and Kevin RD.