Earthdawn 4th Edition: Questors (FASA)
In The Passions' Footsteps...
The mysterious, powerful beings known as the Passions have watched over the people of Barsaive for as long as anybody can remember. They embody the ideals that make civilization possible: Justice, freedom, love, and more.
Those who dedicate their lives to pursuing the ideals of a single Passion serve their fellow Namegivers, supporting them as they go about their daily lives. Whether itinerant or settled, they are valued members of the community, bringing the Passions’ power and inspiration to the common folk. They are Questors.
But even the Passions aren’t immune to the damage caused by the Horrors. Three of their number went insane during the Scourge, and are now dark reflections of their old ideals. And they have questors of their own.
Questors offers players and gamemasters a look at those devoted to the Passions. It explores the ideals of each Passion, as presented by a questor of that Passion. It also provides rules for questor characters and the powers available to them, suitable for player characters, as well as their allies and enemies.