Hyperborea: Beneath the Comet
An adventure for Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea for from four to six characters of 6th through 9th level.
For weeks the Comet has blazed in the sky above Hyperborea, inspiring widespread superstitious dread and fear of some star-borne contagion. Under the light of this harbinger from the Black Gulf, the PCs have come to Bogrest, following a magical treasure map that reveals great wealth buried in the Lonely Heath north of the village. Finding that treasure will be no simple matter, however, for Hyperborea is a weirder and deadlier place than ever beneath the Comet.
Text: Ben Ball
Editing: David Prata
Front Cover Art: Peter Mullen
Back Cover Art: Johnathan Bingam (inks), Daisey Bingham (colours)
Interiour Illustrations: Johnathan Bingham, Del Teigeler
Cartography: Ben Ball, Glynn Seal
Product Type: Adventure Module
Product Format: 44-page, 8½ × 11-inch saddle-stitched book