Aegean: Book of Heroes
A setting and adventure supplement for the AEGEAN tabletop roleplaying game. Take your heroes from their home in the Aegean Sea to the depths of the Underworld and to lands and adventure beyond imagining.
This sourcebook includes:
- Detailed view of the Underworld, its rulers and denizens and the places they haunt. Meet Haides and Persephone and a host of other chthonic entities; visit Elysium or Tartaros, and drink from its many rivers.
- New PC options, including new structures and retainers for the polis as well as a new mystery cult to join.
- In Sleep No More our heroes must travel to the lands of the dead and uncover why sleep has left the mortal lands.
- Details on running AEGEAN with a more mythic tone and five adventures to get you started.
- In Palace of Leaves the heroes must unravel the mystery of the curse preventing a young polis from building a palace.
- The Golden Shirt tasks the heroes with weaving a shirt from the wool of golden sheep.
- In The Pelionion they are drawn into the politics of centaur tribes at the games on Mount Pelion.
- A titanic crab assaults the island in The Doom of Katharonisi and the heroes must discover the reason behind its destructive presence.
- Finally, in Armoury of the Gods the heroes must travel to a forbidden wasteland to capture an undefeatable foe.