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Best Left Buried: Hunter's Guide to Monsters + complimentary PDF (via online store) - reduced

Best Left Buried: Hunter's Guide to Monsters + complimentary PDF (via online store) - reduced


  • Regular price £14.99 Sale price £10.50
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There are things that dwell in the Crypt, and some are Best Left Buried.

Players take the role of Cryptdiggers; professional dungeon-divers who venture into monster-infested crypts in search of riches. Within those dark tunnels, Cryptdiggers brave threatening environments, solve cryptic puzzles and face terrifying monsters. Those who survive might find themselves richer, but changed by their experience. They are often broken, beaten and diminished – as ruined as the crypts themselves.

Part three of the Best Left Buried trilogy, the Hunter's Guide to Monsters covers a wide array of tools and tips for using monster's in your game. It includes information on Monster Mythology, a set of Monster Templates for adding new details to archetypal monsters and a sizable Bestiary, as well as 100 new Adaptations and a set of rules for crafting Monstrous Treasure from the guts and bones of defeated foes.

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