Dungeon Crawler
A prompt based re-playable 5 room dungeon.
Dungeon Crawler is a collaborative storytelling game with RPG elements. Using a deck of regular playing cards, players describe their character and then take turns creating rooms in a dungeon. After a room has been fully developed, players will collectively explore the room to defeat monsters, gather treasure, and make their way to the final chamber.
Dungeon Crawler has been made so that the intensity of the content is what you put into it. This makes the game ideal for younger players who are new to roleplaying, as well as experienced gamers wanting to weave a darker story. Because the game is played room-by-room and recorded on a shared document, it is easy to stop playing and pick it up later, spending only 15-30 minutes each session. As long as one player has a physical deck of cards, the game can be played over a video chat service, as well as in person.