The Long Road Home + complimentary PDF
A game inspired by the idea of the Hobbits travelling home after the events of their great quest. Reminiscing together about the friends they made and lost along the way, and wondering whether they will find their touchstone back home.
The inspiration for this game comes from quest stories such as The Lord of the Rings and the Narnia chronicles. Imagine the hobbits on their way home after the quest was over - reminiscing about the adventures they had along the way, and wondering whether the ideals they loved would be waiting for them at their homecoming. Merry and Pippin became heroes, Sam married his Rosie, but poor Frodo found that he had saved the Shire... but not for himself.
Together you choose a genre and create the realm and the great enemy of your quest. Then as you are returning home you use flashbacks to remember the story of your quest. The highs, lows, triumphs, and tragedies. Ordinary playing cards are used to prompt the emotional content of scenes.
This is an immersive table top story game for 2-5 players. A game session can take 2-4 hours to play. All you need is a pack of playing cards, some paper and pens to create your fantasy epic together in one session.