MÖRK BORG Compatible: Foul + complimentary PDF
Foul is a funnel module for MÖRK BORG. Each player begins with 3-4 characters that embark on a dangerous mission into the sewers below Grift. Along the way they will meet smugglers, heretics, monsters, and the servants of the Lord Beneath. As they move through the adventure, they will become FOULED by the filth that fills the sewers, acquiring FOUL ABERRATIONS that may hurt or help their mission.
- Modifications for creating "Level Zero" MÖRK BORG characters.
- Special advancement rules so that as characters are lost, remaining characters get stronger.
- A new condition, FOULED, with associated character traits, FOUL ABERRATIONS, that the characters will acquire during the adventure.
- A 20-room sewer crawl.
- New monsters to fight and items to die for.
- 2 GM screen inserts with important tables.
Printable and pre-filled character sheets and a character generator are available at foul.mallenhall.com.
Foul is an independent production by M. Allen Hall and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.
Requires MÖRK BORG to play.