Beowulf: The Trials of the Twin Seas + complimentary PDF
This title collects all of the so-far published BEOWULF Age of Heroes adventures, and adds new material to each one including opening poems, flow charts, pronunciation guides, and GM advice.
The six adventures included are:
Horror at Herrogate
Word reaches our Hero that the remote fishing settlement of Herrogate, and the treasure seat of its lord Thorfinn, are plagued by a dreadful dréag. But is all quite as it seems?
Written by Marco Rafalà (The One Ring RPG, Star Trek Adventures, Lex Arcana), Horror at Herrogate is suitable for Heroes of level 3 to 4.
The Witches and The Wyrm
The snake will not die, and time does not turn properly. Three witches summon the Hero to a mysterious otherworldly land to conquer the defiant serpent.
Written by Jon Hodgson (Creative director of The One Ring 1e, and co-creator of BEOWULF Age of Heroes). This adventure is suitable for Heroes of levels 3-4.
Seven Stones
Seven Stones takes us to a desperate settlement, living in terror of a dreadful monster. The village lies on a rocky peninsula blasted by frigid winds, and here, people have lived in fear of the Stoor Wurm for generations.
Written by Elaine Lithgow (Age of Sigmar Soulbound, Wrath & Glory), Seven Stones is suitable for Heroes of level 4 to 5.
The Elfshot
Giorsala's hall stands empty; her warriors' gear still in their racks; children's toys scattered on the playfield. All the people are gone but still it feels like something is watching you…
Written by Jacob Rodgers (Adventures in Middle-earth, Ruins of Symbaroum, The One Ring 2e, co-creator of BEOWULF Age of Heroes), The Elfshot is suitable for Heroes of level 4 to 5.
Ear of Stone
Hreodan an ideal location for sailors to resupply and trade, earning the island’s meadhall the nickname of Wayfarer’s Rest. Or so it was, until Hreodan’s guardian turned against it.
Written by KC Shi (Soulbound, Uncaged, Unbreakable), Ear of Stone is suitable for a Hero of levels 5-6.
The Triple Serpent
Our Hero sails to Ireland at the end of the Age of Heroes, and must attempt to unravel the mystery of the horrific serpent and who is behind its pitiless attacks on a community.
Written by Gareth Ryder Hanrahan, (The Black Iron Legacy Series, Dracula Dossiers, Darkening of Mirkwood) The Triple Serpent is suitable for a Hero of levels 6-7.
The Trials of the Twin Seas is full of ideas for your 5e games, but is best played with BEOWULF Age of Heroes rulebook, which is packed full of classes, weapons, monsters and new rules for duet play in this mythic setting.
Each adventure is fully illustrated in full colour, with maps, battle maps and more.
“BEOWULF: Age of Heroes is a vast treasure-hoard that shows how you can hone the rules for 5e to make them cut like the edge of a long-seax and sing like a Scop.” – Francesco Nepitello, designer of The One Ring Roleplaying Game