Wibbell++ Deluxe (Kickstarter) Edition
Demonstration copy available in-store - come and try this game out before you buy it!
Wibbell++ is a game system.
With 48 cards, each featuring a pair of letters, number and border, you can play countless games.
Of course some of those games are about making words. Some of the word games also involve speed, memory, set collection, or just force you to think about words in an entirely new way.
Some of the games are about language. They encourage you to invent stories or phrases.
Some games are completely abstract! Some are about matching things quickly, one is about creating sets of patterns as you use numbers for auctions, a few are about using the alphabet as an arbitrary order for symbols (i.e. letters) to be arranged into.
- 48 cards, each featuring a common letter, a less common letter, a number (that tells you how often the lower letter appears) and one of 6 borders. This is the core!
- 7 bonus cards, with the card back, and either just one of 6 borders or a fully blank front.
- An informational sheet about the deck.
- Rulesheet for WIBBELL - a fast realtime wordgame that tests your ability to make words under pressure.
- Rulesheet for GRABBELL - a speedy, frantic pattern-matching game.
- Rulesheet for PHRASELL - a creative game that tests your mastery of the language.
- Rulesheet for FAYBELL - a storytelling activity.
- Rulesheet for ALPHABETICKELL - an abstract game that tests your analytical skills.
- Rulesheets for COUPELL - a highly co-operative 2-player word game.
- A sturdy-and-compact-yet-fancy box with actual shiny cold-pressed gold foil.
That's 6 games, and all of them are made with love and thorough attention to detail. They have been thoroughly tested.