Hail Caesar: Army Lists Vol 1 - Biblical & Classical
Softcover Hail Caesar Sourcebook from Warlord Games
In this, the first expansion for Hail Caesar, Rick presents no less than 63 army lists for the Biblical and Classical periods along with points costs and army composition. It is also replete with the imgaes of fantastic armies that you can expect from a Warlord Games book. The armies covered are: - Biblical Old and Middle Kingdom Egypt Nubian Akkad and Sumer Early Arab Raiders Amorite Babylonia Canaanites Hittites Mitanni Mycenean and Minoan New Kingdom Egyptian Early Assyrian North European Bronze age Libyan Sea Peoples Israel and Judeah Assyrian Empire Neo-Babylonian Urartu
Classical Scythian Saite Egyptian Lydian Kyrenean Greek Early Achaemenid Persian Early Carthaginian Hoplite Greek Thracian Samnites Later Hoplite Greek army Pauravan and Mauryan Indians Syracusian Camillan Rome Gauls Illyrian Later Achaemenid Persian Alexandrian Macedonian Qin China Alexander's Successors Hellenistic Greek Bactrian Grek Carthaginian Galatians Parthians Republican Rome Numidian Merotic Kushite Spanish Late Macedonian Seleucid Ptolemaic Han China Pyrrhic Celtiberian Early German Maccabean Jewish Sarmatians Artaxiad Armenian Ancient Britons Mithandric Pontic Dacian Marian Roman Imperial Roman Jewish Revolt Kushan