Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy Player's Tome + complimentary PDF
Complete Advanced Fantasy Player's Guide
The Advanced Fantasy Player's Tome is a complete player's guide to Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy games, with the following content:
- Character options: 22 classic classes (acrobat, assassin, barbarian, bard, cleric, drow, druid, duergar, dwarf, elf, fighter, gnome, halfling, half-elf, half-orc, illusionist, knight, magic-user, paladin, ranger, svirfneblin, thief), complete lists of weapons and adventuring gear, extensive lists of vehicles, mounts, and vessels, mercenaries and specialists for hire, rules for stronghold construction.
- Race and class: Optional rules for choosing race and class separately.
- Spells: The complete set of 34 cleric spells (from 1st to 5th level), 34 druid spells (from 1st to 5th level), 72 illusionist spells (from 1st to 6th level), 72 magic-user spells (from 1st to 6th level).
- Adventuring rules: Full rules for adventuring in dungeons, the wilderness, and at sea.
Includes all rules and player options from Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy, plus reams of additional material inspired by the 1970s Advanced 1st Edition rules.
Advanced Fantasy Book 2: Referee's Tome
Referees also require the companion book, the Advanced Fantasy Referee’s Tome.
Author: Gavin Norman, Cover artist: Peter Mullen
248-page hardcover; A5 (Digest) size; deluxe quality sewn binding; 2 ribbon markers; endpapers printed with quick reference info.