Deep Magic (13th Age)
Five Hundred and Fifty Five New Spells!
Wizards: You’re welcome. Add 555 new spells to your repertoire. This book is one you’ll want to have close to hand in every game.
Everybody Else: Trade in a class talent to become an initiate of magic, or trade in two talents to become an adept. Become an arcane-archer ranger, a spirit-calling barbarian, or a time-warping commander! Shadow-wielding rogues, filth-paladins, face-stealing trickster druids… the possibilities are endless. Spice up your fighter with some simple spells, add extra magical options for your bard, or give your cleric their own personalized spell list.
Deep Magic: 13th Age Compatible Edition also includes new campaign options; the post-apocalyptic vril magic campaign, the mysteries of the ley lines, a class-warfare arcanopunk campaign option, and much more!
For GMs looking for new material, or players looking for character customization options, this extensive, 144-page tome is the book you’ve been dreaming of. Dive into Deep Magic today!