16th March 2025 (Sunday) - ONE PIECE CARD GAME OP-10 Release Event
11.30am for an 12.00 start
Entry is £30.00
Today we will being hosting a One Piece Set 10 Sealed Tournament over 3 Rounds.
-6 Packs from set 10 will be used
-You may bring your own leader (including those from previous sets) to use in the event.
-Please bring 10x DON!! Cards to participate in the event.
Deck Construction Rules
After opening 6 packs, players build a 40-card deck, and a 10 DON!! card deck. There are no banned or restricted cards, and players can include as many copies of cards with the same card number as they like. (There is no 4-card limit and 5 or more copies of a card with the same card number can be included in decks.) Any cards left over from deck construction are treated as sideboard cards.
Sideboards Cards not used in decks are treated as sideboard cards. In-between games, players can exchange cards in their deck with cards in their sideboard. Players can exchange as many cards between deck and sideboard as they like, so long as they have a legal number of cards in their deck
Special Game Rules
In sealed format games, players can ignore deck colour requirements based on their leader.
Example: Ordinarily with the red starter deck ST01-001 Monkey D.Luffy as your leader, you would be restricted to only having red cards in your deck, however in sealed format you can use cards of any colour in your deck, even though your leader is only red. All other card text restrictions still apply as normal, including effects listed on leaders when specifying names or colours of cards.
Example 1: With your leader as OP01-060 “Donquixote Doflamingo”, you may only search for [The Seven Warlords of the Sea] type Character cards when triggering his ability
Example 2: When using the ability of OP01-067 “Crocodile” “Blue Event cards in your hand cost 1 less to play” would only apply to Blue Event cards – This would not apply to Event cards of other colours.