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60138 Sheila Heidmarch, Venture Captain
60143 Oriana, Grey Maiden
60151 Ardoc Brotherhood
60152 Brotherhood of the Seal
60163 Nidalese Rogue
60167 Hestrig Orlov
60168 Kagur Blacklion
60172 Hosilla
60182 Hakon, Iconic Skald
60184 Meyanda, Android Priestess
60186 Staunton Vhane
60188 Koriah Azmeren
60192 Salim Ghadafar
6th February 2025 (Thursday): Star Wars Unlimited Forceday
7 Wonders 2nd Ed: Armada Expansion
7 Wonders 2nd Edition
7 Wonders Architects - Medals Expansion
7 Wonders Duel
7 Wonders Duel: Agora Expansion
7 Wonders Duel: Pantheon Expansion
7 Wonders: Architects
7 Wonders: Edifice Expansion (for 1st OR 2nd Edition)
7th October (Monday) Monday Magic
7th Sea: Cities of Faith & Wonder + complimentary PDF
7th Sea: Crescent Empire + complimentary PDF
7th Sea: GM Screen
7th Sea: Heroes & Villains + complimentary PDF
7th Sea: Khitai - core rulebook + complimentary PDF
7th Sea: Lands of Gold and Fire + complimentary PDF
7th Sea: Nations of Theah Vol. 1 + complimentary PDF
7th Sea: Nations of Theah Vol. 2 + complimentary PDF
7th Sea: Pirate Nations + complimentary PDF
7th Sea: Second Edition + complimentary PDF
7th Sea: Secret Societies + complimentary PDF
7th Sea: The Land of 1,000 Nations + complimentary PDF
7th Sea: The New World + complimentary PDF
7TV Daredevil Pilots
7TV Time Lift Security with Rifles
8101 William MacLeod - Journalist
8th February (Saturday): One Shot Roleplaying and Story Game Night
9-Pocket Eclipse Lemon Yellow Pro-Binder
9th May (Friday) Magic FNM Spring Flourishes Draft
9th October (Wednesday) Midweek Magic
A Cool and Lonely Courage
A Dungeon Game: The Moss Mother's Maze (Signed Hardback) + complimentary PDF (complimentary PDF)
A Fake Artist Goes to New York
A Fantastic Desire for Adventure + complimentary PDF
A Feast for Odin
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